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Technology of Information Security

Multiple-replica data integrity checking protocol with efficient dynamic update in cloud storage

Liu Hongyua
Ding Yiwenb
Chen Leitinga
a. School of Computer Science & Engineering, b. School of Economics & Management, University of Electronic Science & Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China


Considering the security risk of data stored in cloud and the deficiency of existing data integrity checking schemes, this paper proposed a multiple-replica remote data integrity checking protocol with efficient data dynamic update in cloud storage. The scheme was suitable for multiple replica scenario, and achieved multiple-replica provable data possession at a small cost on the basis of existing cloud data integrity checking schemes. By introducing authenticated data structure called rank-based MHT, the protocol supported full data dynamic operations. Through replica correlation, multiple replicas could be updated synchronously. Security analysis and experiment results show the security and effectiveness of the proposed protocol, and can guarantee the privacy of multiple replicas at the same time.

Foundation Support


Publish Information

DOI: 10.19734/j.issn.1001-3695.2018.04.0223
Publish at: Application Research of Computers Printed Article, Vol. 36, 2019 No. 9
Section: Technology of Information Security
Pages: 2778-2782
Serial Number: 1001-3695(2019)09-048-2778-05

Publish History

[2019-09-05] Printed Article

Cite This Article

刘洪宇, 丁奕文, 陈雷霆. 支持动态操作的多副本数据完整性验证方案 [J]. 计算机应用研究, 2019, 36 (9): 2778-2782. (Liu Hongyu, Ding Yiwen, Chen Leiting. Multiple-replica data integrity checking protocol with efficient dynamic update in cloud storage [J]. Application Research of Computers, 2019, 36 (9): 2778-2782. )

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  • Journal ID ISSN 1001-3695
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